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Hop Profile
Green Bullet

Updated on February 01, 2016

Hop Profile: Green Bullet

Green Bullet hops have been a signature of New Zealand brewing for decades. Their subtle spiciness and notes of dried fruit make them ideal for stouts, but versatile enough to flavor everything from pale ales to lagers, in aroma or bittering roles.

It should come as no surprise that Green Bullet hops were cultivated with versatility in mind. In 1949, Black Root Rot ravaged New Zealand's then-staple hop, the Late Cluster. To avoid a local hop crisis, the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) set out to cultivate a heartier hop, and one versatile enough to ween New Zealand's dependency on Late Cluster hops. This single, historic breeding program would create the likes of Calicross, Smooth Cone, Sticklebract, Super Alpha hops. It wasn't until 1972 that the open cross-pollination of the Smooth Cone produced the first Green Bullet crop.

By this point the crisis had long been averted, and the disease-resistant Green Bullet was free to expand across the globe. Green Bullet's high alpha acid content is balanced out by equally high levels of floral oil, making these hops as flexible in the field as they are in the fermenter.

  1. Origin

    Bred by New Zealand's Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) in 1972.

  2. Characteristics

    A clean, refreshing bitterness, with a spiced, fruity zing.

  3. Vital Statistics

    Typical Use: Dual-purpose, aromas and bittering
    Alpha Acid: 11-15%
    Country: New Zealand
    Styles: Stout, Pale Ale, Bitter, Lager
    Flavors: spice, raisins, grassy
    Similar Hops: Liberty, Ultra, Hallertauer Tradition

  4. Beers to Try

    Green Flash - Green Bullet Triple IPA
    Mountain Man - Green Bullet Pale Ale

