2 O' Clock Tasting: Great Divide Brewing Co. - Brooklyn Brew Shop

2 O' Clock Tasting
Great Divide Brewing Co.

Updated on March 30, 2016

Founded in 1994, by Brian Dunn in Denver, Colorado’s Ballpark Neighborhood, The Great Divide Brewing Co., has taken the craft brewing industry by storm with its eco-friendly initiatives and internationally award-winning brews. Unlike their impressive reputation, their distribution practices try to make as little impact on the surrounding environment as possible by using bottles made from recycled products and sending 100% of their spent grain to local cattle farms to use as feed.

Today we sample from Great Divide's Yeti Stout series with Yeti Imperial Stout, Espresso Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout, and Chocolate Oak Aged Yeti.

  1. Great Divide Yeti Imperial Stout

    9.5% ABV

    This Yeti pours a dark brown, like root beer in color. The nose is boozy upfront with a lingering roasty, vanilla essence. The flavor is oaky, with hints of bitter chocolate and booze — not overwhelmingly so, but deliciously boozy.

  2. Chocolate Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout

    9.5% ABV

    This little Yeti pours a slightly darker brown, with tiny bubbles on the fluffy tan head. Whiffs of cocoa, oak and coffee - a bit boozier in aroma than its original Imperial Stout kin. The taste is chocolate syrupy smooth, while notes of alcohol, vanilla, and espresso make their way through the finish.

  3. Espresso Oak Aged

    9.5% ABV

    Pouring the darkest in the lineup, this little piggy (Yeti) shows a nice lacing and head, suggestive of a fizzy cola. The nose is roasty, malty, and espresso-like. With a smooth full body, this brew's addition of bitter coffee - local to Denver’s own Pablo's Coffee - does little to heighten the senses while lulling you to a warm, boozy sleep with its hefty 9.5% ABV.
