Hop Profile

Updated on March 23, 2016

Hop Profile: Cascade

In the American beer scene, no other variety of hops has the presence Cascade Hops can boast. Just one whiff of the green little flowers, and you'll be transported to a bar stool at one of the hundreds of brewpubs across the country sitting before a juicy burger and an aromatic pale ale. And once you're done with your burger, you'll come face to face with the classic citrus and pine flavors of Cascade hops.


    Cascade Hops, named for the Cascade Mountain Range, were developed by the U.S.D.A breeding program in Oregon and released to the public in 1972. A crossbreed of English Fuggle and Russian Serebrianker. They are currently grown in the USA and Australia and are the most popular hop variety used in the American craft brewing industry.

    The craft beer revolution gave birth to a whole world of "hop-heads" and people obsessed with then-new IPA's that are now de rigueur. If you had more than one American craft beer, chances are you've tasted Cascade hops. Flavors of pine, citrus, and floral undertones give these beers their life and personality. And a moderate alpha level (think bitterness) lends them their versatility as both aroma and bittering hop.

    Typical Use : Flavor/Aroma (can be used for bittering) Alpha Acid : Low-Moderate Country: United States Flavors: Floral, Citrus, Pine Styles : American Ales, IPAs, Lagers Similar Hops : Centennial, Chinook, Amarillo
